Friday, January 30, 2009


Dioxines have been a part of our environment for more than 60 million years, and there are more than 200 different types of them. The chemical connection is among the most poisonous group we know, both for man and nature. 12 of the dioxines are especially dangerous and hard for nature to break down. Dioxines are toxic material which is being formed as a by-product in consumption processes. Studies show that dioxines cause cancer, reduces immune-defence, gives gene- and hormone disturbances, embryo damage and other serious harm. In the USA the legal concentrationlevel can't exceed 0,001 pg/liter. symbol The Dioxine molecule


Fish and shellfish from our area, Grenland, will not be edible until after the year 2000, and this is a huge problem for the fishermen. The content of dioxines in fish from the Frierfjord (in Grenland) was in 1986 from 1,5 to 12 ng TCCD per kilo fish. We still don`t know how much damage the dioxines do to our health.

There is a little mystery around this. Further out in the fjord the cod has a lower content, but the crabs has a higher content. The scientists can`t explain this, but they think it has to do with the the current in the area.

The highest concentration of dioxines that has been measured in Norway, came from the Hydro plant in Porsgrunn. After this they had to spend millions of kroner (Norwegian monetary unit) to clean the air and the water. This was an economic downer for Hydro.


A few years ago, the end of 1980, the problems about dioxins established attention in the media. Before that, the gouverment kept this as a secret. In opposition to the West, they had been aware of the dioxins since the end of the 60`s.

Even if all the coutries in the East have huge dioxin sources, they can hardly be compared to the enormous emission in Russia. These problems are to be changed.
There are two options to reduse dioxin pollution in Russia:

  • They have to focus on new tecnology and purify their own emissions.
  • The other solution demands that the cellulose idustry, must increase their acitivity because of their economic unstability
  • In 1991/92 was the first mapping of dioxin emission from cellulose industry accomplished in Russia. The main source to these polutions are the local paper- and cellulose industry, the constructions in Kotlas, Solobala and Arkhangelsk city. The dioxin contents were messured to 1825 times the Netherland bordervalues.



    A lot of dioxines are extremely poisonous to people and mammals. The most spoken of and poisonous dioxine is TCDD. The most important health damages from TCDD on people is rash on their skin, enlargened liver and partial damaged liver functions. The exposed groups have been small, though, which has made it impossible to confirm the developing effect. In Sweden there has been proved an accelerated rate of cancer among the foresters who has sprayed trees with TCDD. Testing on animals have been made to find out the range of damage of the dioxines. There have been several accidents on places where dioxines are made as a bi-product, and there have been a total of 15 such incidents. A major one in Seveso, Italy 1976, where 187 people was injured.



    The environmental-organisation Bellona did not take action before the Norwegian Environmental Bureau (SFT) and Hydro had agreed on a measure against dioxines. The media twisted the case with fiction and biased comments. Following this, people believed living here in Grenland was a threat to their health.

    Mediterranean pollution Pollution in the Atlantic
    and the Mediterranean.
    Note the polluted
    Bay of Biscay!

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